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mother cell 【生物學】母細胞。

mother chrysanthemum

The move means of tumour of retinal mother cell has two kinds of ways , it is course optic nerve , enter the space below spider film to spread inside skull , perhaps enter retinal center , abide sequence of thought provides move of body whole body ; it is to encroach additionally choroid , enter eye socket through blood - vessel , or by blood , lymphatic move arrives systemic organ 視網膜母細胞瘤的轉移方式有兩種途徑,一是經過視神經,進入蜘蛛膜下空隙向顱內蔓延,或者進入視網膜中心,循脈絡管到身體全身轉移;另外是侵犯脈絡膜,經過血管進入眼窩,或者經由血液、淋巴轉移到全身的器官。

Grow grain , say to expand again grain , as a result of , be adrenal had secreted fill , of human body adrenal coriaceous can secrete a kind of candy coriaceous hormone , this hormone can decompose the bounce fibrin in the skin carbohydrate character , make stretch fiber produces denaturation ; in the meantime , return the hyperplasia that can restrain fiber mother cell , bring about skin flexibility thereby fiber happening ruptures 生長紋,又稱膨脹紋,是由于腎上腺分泌過盛,人體的腎上腺皮質能分泌一種糖皮質激素,此激素能將皮膚中的彈力纖維蛋白質分解成糖類,使彈性纖維發生變性;同時,還能抑制纖維母細胞的增生,從而導致皮膚彈性纖維發生斷裂。

The ultrastructural changes of microspore mother cells and tapetal cells in anthers during the abortion of male sterile cotton “ kang a “ were observed by comparing with its maintainer “ kang b “ and by using transmission electron microscopy 摘要以棉花細胞質雄性不育系“抗a ”為材料,以其同核異質保持系“抗b ”為對照,用透射電子顯微鏡技術,觀察了不育系敗育過程中小抱子母細胞與絨氈層細胞超微結構的變化。

Using conventional and immunoelectron microscopic methods , the cytomixis in pollen mother cells of tobacco ( nicotiana tobacum ) and the distribution of actin microfilaments during this process were investigated in the present study 摘要應用普通電鏡和酶聯免疫電鏡技術,研究了煙草花粉母細胞中的細胞融合現象及細胞融合過程中肌動蛋白微絲骨架的變化。

Using dgd embedment - free technique , the distribution of cytoskeleton was investigated in plasmodesmata and cytoplasmic channels of onion pollen mother cells ( pmcs ) 摘要用dgd包埋去包埋方法,觀察了洋蔥花粉母細胞中胞間連絲和胞質通道內的胞質骨架分布。

These cells usually disintegrate , liberating food substances that are subsequently absorbed by the spore mother cells and the developing spores 這層細胞常常分解,釋放出其內的營養物質,這些營養物質后來會被孢子母細胞和正在發育的孢子所吸收。

Global or filament actin was visualized in cytoplasm and nucleus of tobacco pollen mother cells , under immunoelectron microscope 免疫電鏡觀察發現,花粉母細胞中的細胞質及核中存在線狀和粒狀的肌動蛋白微絲。

Observation by paraffin section showed that lipeng no . 2 embryo sac mother cells were almost entirely degenerated during megasporogenesis 切片觀察發現,麗? 2號胚囊母細胞在四核期已完全退化。

Tapetum ( pl . tapeta ) a food - rich layer surrounding the spore mother cells in the anthers of vascular plants 絨氈層:維管植物花粉囊內包圍孢子母細胞的富含營養物質的一層結構。

Unlike the companion cells of angiosperms , they are not derived from the same mother cell as the sieve cell 但與被子植物的伴胞不同,它們不和篩胞起源于一個共同的母細胞。

Observation on meiotic division of pollen mother cell and pollen vigor assessment for four species of ceratoides 駝絨藜屬4種植物花粉母細胞減數分裂的觀察及花粉活力的測定

Pollen mother cell 花粉母細胞

Observation on the meiotic behaviour of pollen mother cells of two citrus cultivars 2個柑橘品種花粉母細胞減數分裂行為的觀察

The haploid pollen cells develop in the tapetal zone from spore mother cells 單倍體花粉細胞由絨氈層提供營養發育。